Quest for the Dragon: 2002
Recommended roads
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Here are some other motorcycle roads that have been recommended by friends and visitors.  If you have one that you would like to see included, email me or leave it in the guest book.

Meadows of Dan,VA. Great back roads for the sport and cruiser bikes.  Well maintained and very well marked. Little to no traffic.  (Jim & Sherry)
The ride up to Hyner View in Renovo, Pa.  (Jake)
Black Waterfalls, West Virginia.  (Jake)
Route 555 from Weedville, Pa. to Driftwood, Pa.  Keep an eye out for the Pennsylvania elk herd.  Prime elk viewing.  (Flynn)
Route 729 from Grampian, Pa. to Glen Hope, Pa. (Flynn)
Route 286 from Mahaffey, Pa. to Indiana, Pa.  (Flynn)
Route 6 is one that runs the whole way across the northern tier of Pa.  (Flynn)