Quest for the Dragon: 2002
Final notes.....
the tale continues...
and continues further...
to the dragon...
the dragon map...
related links...
final notes...
other roads...
other pictures...
GPS stuff...
contact me...

Special thanks are due to the Lady Jackie for allowing my indulgences.  As always, figuratively, as well as on the bike, she was behind me all the way.  Thanks for being an armrest, backrest, and best friend.  And for riding nearly 2000 miles so that I could ride eleven.
No matter how little cargo space you have, rain gear and a corkscrew may not be a bad idea.
Just in case you guys at work were wondering if I thought about the place while I was gone...the answer is NO.  And Taylor, Shirey, Trick, DaHaven, Solis, Curry, Haversack, Caldwell, and the rest of the Jail's Angels, you all just have to do this sometime.
To all of the guys we met in the South that were wearing bib overalls and complaining about the drought, don't worry.  You don't owe us a thing.  Those dark clouds and rain seem to follow us every time we get on the bike.  And to those two little old ladies that were laughing at us from inside the car next to to us in the parking lot at Cherokee, I would like to repeat Jackie's exact quote to you:  "You wouldn't be laughing so hard if you had rain running down the crack of your ass."
If all you good people in Gatlinburg are concerned about the strange, shady character in the parking lot behind Subway, don't be.  I chased him out of the area on the bike.  He finally lost me at the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum.  He blended in so well....
Yes, Barry.  I brought you a new hat from Mayberry. 
All of the pictures taken on this site were taken by me.  I don't plan on getting rich from any of them.  I don't even plan on making any money from any of them.  If you want to use any of them for your private use, you can.  A photo-credit and a note of thanks would be nice, but isn't required.
Don't pay any attention to what that madman in my guestbook said about me hitting a deer.  The deer hit me.  And I'm stickin' to this story, no matter what he says...
(at least I was in good company when it happened.)
Also, I want to thank Jeff, who is the owner, guru, bike-tech, and all around nice guy at Best Motorcycles in Big Run, Pa.  He takes pride in his work, and it shows.  I wish him the best with the new dealership. Stop in and buy a bike or two from him.
I'd like to post a special message to the truck driver that tried to run me off of the road near DuBois:  Don't think that the whole episode was too amusing...perhaps our paths will cross again.  I hope so.  I won't forget you, or your Riverside tractor number for a long, long time.