Quest for the Dragon: 2002
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the tale continues...
and continues further...
to the dragon...
the dragon map...
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final notes...
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GPS stuff...
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The Tail of the Dragon

A great sight.  It has extensive information on anything that has anything to do with the Dragon, Motorcycles, or Deal's Gap.  It's the official site for US Route 129.

Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort

Resort information.  Lots of Pics.  Accessories.  Directions.  Apparel.  What more could you ask for?

The Pennsylvania MotoPage

Another great site!  If you are a biker from the Keystone State, don't miss it.  It has it all !

Chapter I of the GWRRA

Ed Holt's page for Chapter I of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association.  Also has great links and local information.

Virago Owners Club RSA

A family of Virago owners.  Has lots of pics, tech stuff, and tips.

Bikelinks Motorcycle Site

The A to Z of motorcycles


A great collection of all kinds of motorcycle links.

FastFred's Motorcycle Rights E-zine

Dedicated to Advancing the Freedoms of Bikers

Mick Lindley's Honda GL1100 GoldWing Page

A page that will tell you anything you want to know about the GL 1100.  It also has some great links and pictures..

Another Motorcycle Story

Here's another motorcycle tale that was sent to me by Kent Elkins.

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